5 Fitness Tips for Teenagers

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Teenagers' bodies go through a great deal of change as they grow older. As teens begin to make their own choices, exercise and eating habits should be implemented to help them pave the way for a healthy lifestyle. Many teens look up workout routines online, which are often not teen-friendly.

Whether your teen wants to gain speed for sports, feel confident in his or her own skin, or bulk up, here are some fitness tips you can share to help him or her exercise safely.

More: Strength-Training Benefits for Teens

Don't Do Chest Exercises Every Day

The dangers of overtraining apply to all muscle groups, but is most commonly seen with chest workouts. Working the chest too often is one of the worst habits boys get into. By the time they're in their 20s, the chest muscles are so over developed and tight, they look like cavemen. Muscles break down and tear each time they are strained, and they need proper recovery time to grow.

Learn Muscle Balance

Teach your to teen to exercise the entire body, both upper and lower halves. Too many individuals will either focus on their lower body (girls) or upper body (boys). Power, strength and a strong core all come from the ground up. Teens need to have a strong base in order to distribute that power and energy in whatever they're doing. Make sure your teen alternates lower- and upper-body strength training exercises. In addition, he or she should learn balance, bodyweight and plyometric exercises.

More: How Balance Training Improves Performance